Forthcoming Books (37)

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A Grammar of Jordanian Arabic - cover image

    A Grammar of Jordanian Arabic

    • Bruno Herin
    • Enam Al-Wer
    The present grammar is based on empirical data collected over more than three decades. It investigates the phonology and morphosyntax of Jordanian Arabic, with a focus on the traditional sedentary varieties of Central and Northern Jordan, locally known as Balgawi and Horani.
    Being in Shadow and Light: Academics in Post/Conflict Higher Education - cover image

      Being in Shadow and Light: Academics in Post/Conflict Higher Education

      • Dina Zoe Belluigi
      Academia and its citizens, during periods of political violence and social conflict, are often overlooked. When attention is given, the focus tends to be on student activism, access to higher education, or curriculum development. The experiences of academics affected by conflict remain under-researched, despite the crucial role they play as educators and in generating, documenting, preserving and challenging knowledges. This is particularly concerning given that academics have−and continue to be−at risk as targets of sanction, persecution and oppression.
      Biologie de la conservation en Afrique subsaharienne: 2ème édition - cover image
      • Environmental Studies
      • Textbooks and Learning Guides

      Biologie de la conservation en Afrique subsaharienne: 2ème édition

      • John W. Wilson
      • Richard B. Primack
      Ce livre, publié par Open Book Publishers, est disponible gratuitement au format PDF. La décision des auteurs de rendre ce livre en libre accès est remarquable, d’autant plus que cela permet d’attribuer à l’ouvrage une importance majeure dans le domaine de la conservation et de la biodiversité en Afrique et par les africains. Je recommande ce manuel aux étudiants africains, au personnel chargé de la conservation, aux responsables politiques et à toute personne intéressée par la conservation de la nature. La distribution gratuite assure un large lectorat parmi les universitaires, chercheurs et autres professionnels africains de l'environnement. Ce volume offre une rare opportunité d'accès à la recherche sur la biodiversité en Afrique, et les informations fournies peuvent être utilisées non seulement pour améliorer la collaboration intra-africaine en matière de recherche mais également pour renforcer les capacités locales et régionales en matière de recherche sur le continent. Cet ouvrage est actuellement la publication la plus complète sur la conservation en Afrique. Il constitue un point de référence pour les spécialistes de l'environnement, les biologistes de la faune et vie sauvage, les conservateurs et les responsables politiques qui travaillent sur l'environnement ainsi que sur la faune et vie sauvage en Afrique ; il est appelé à devenir un classique.
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        Book of Hours in the Form of a Roll (Egerton 3044), Bruges Scribe Johannes de Ecclesia, and the Art of Writing

        • Kathryn M. Rudy
        Johannes de Ecclesia was a prominent medieval-era scribe known to have worked for a largely Catalan-speaking clientele in late fourteenth century Bruges. This short-form book highlights the extent of de Ecclesia’s little-acknowledged influence on the scribal practice of Late Medieval Europe; an in-depth exploration of the scribe’s art, it undertakes a considered analysis of two of his major surviving works, as well as a third manuscript he may have authored. Interrogating de Ecclesia’s under-studied role in the aesthetic development of the prayer book genre during the late fourteenth century and beyond, this book submits evidence for the emergence of bilingual text, a variety of unusual letterforms, and ornamental textual features as product of de Ecclesia’s possible exposure to a wide range of courtly and ecclesiastical texts in as diverse locations as Avignon, Paris, and England.
        Breaking Images: Iconoclastic Analyses of Mathematics and its Education - cover image

          Breaking Images: Iconoclastic Analyses of Mathematics and its Education

          • Brian Greer
          • David Kollosche
          • Ole Skovsmose
          These twenty essays explore questions of mathematics as a topic of philosophy, but also the nature and purpose of mathematics education and the role of mathematics in moulding citizens. It challenges the biases and prejudices inherent within uninformed histories of mathematics, including problems of white supremacy, the denial of cultural difference and the global homogenization of teaching methods. In particular, the book contrasts the effectiveness of mathematics and science in modelling physical phenomena and solving technical problems with its ineffectiveness in modelling social phenomena and solving human problems, and urges us to consider how mathematics might better meet the urgent crises of our age.
          Characters in Film and Other Media: Theory, Analysis, Interpretation - cover image

            Characters in Film and Other Media: Theory, Analysis, Interpretation

            • Jens Eder
            Characters are of crucial importance for the creation and experience of films and other media. Their cultural significance can hardly be overestimated, but they also raise manifold questions. This book provides a comprehensive theory that guides the analysis and interpretation of characters in four dimensions: as represented beings with physical, psychological, and social characteristics; as artefacts with aesthetic structures; as meaningful symbols; and as symptoms of socio-cultural origins and effects. Integrating insights from film, media, and literary studies as well as philosophy, psychology and sociology, the book offers a variety of means to better understand characters and emotional responses to them.
            Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa: 2nd Edition - cover image
            • Environmental Studies
            • Textbooks and Learning Guides

            Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa: 2nd Edition

            • John W. Wilson
            • Richard B. Primack
            Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa is the definitive open-access textbook on essential conservation issues in the region. Now in its updated Second Edition, this prizewinning volume, which can be downloaded for free, is an invaluable resource for university courses, as well as a handy guide for professionals working to halt the increasing loss of biodiversity.
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              Diachronic Diversity in Classical Biblical Hebrew

              • Aaron D. Hornkohl
              According to the standard periodisation of ancient Hebrew, the division of Biblical Hebrew as reflected in the Masoretic tradition is basically dichotomous: pre-exilic Classical Biblical Hebrew (CBH) versus post-Restoration Late Biblical Hebrew (LBH). Within this paradigm, the chronolectal unity of CBH is rarely questioned—this despite the reasonable expectation that the language of a corpus encompassing traditions of various ages and comprising works composed, edited, and transmitted over the course of centuries would show signs of diachronic development. From the perspective of historical evolution, CBH is remarkably homogenous. Within this apparent uniformity, however, there are indeed signs of historical development, sets of alternant features whose respective concentrations seem to divide CBH into two sub-chronolects. The most conspicuous typological division that emerges is between the CBH of the Pentateuch and that of the relevant Prophets and Writings. The present volume investigates a series of features that distinguish the two ostensible CBH sub-chronolects, weighs alternative explanations for distribution patterns that appear to have chronological significance, and considers broader implications for Hebrew diachrony and periodisation and for the composition of the Torah.
              Digital Humanities in the India Rim: Contemporary Scholarship in Australia and India - cover image

                Digital Humanities in the India Rim: Contemporary Scholarship in Australia and India

                • Hart Cohen
                • Ujjwal Jana
                • Myra Gurney
                This varied collection delves into illuminating examples of Digital Humanities research and practice and seeks to understand the shared challenges as well as the points of similarity and difference currently being undertaken by academics in India and Australia. From the influence of Netflix on International Relations to contemporary digital adaptations of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, via detours into erobotics (empathic robots) and the cultural specificity of online dating, these essays convey the distinctive breadth and imagination of research in this field. Digital Humanities is a relatively new discipline in the India Rim, and this novelty has created space for innovative research ideas as well as the use of traditional methodologies and software in different ways within these unique cultural spaces that could potentially influence how Digital Humanities is conceptualised internationally. For example, drawing on Indian classical logic leads to novel designs and applications of computation.
                Feeling Colour: Chromatic Embodiment in Film Culture, 1950s-1960s - cover image

                  Feeling Colour: Chromatic Embodiment in Film Culture, 1950s-1960s

                  • Bregt Lameris
                  The shift back from quasi monochrome to coloured motion picture during the 1950s and 1960s famously provided moviegoers the dazzling opportunity to more fully engage their senses, all the while opening new modes of affective possibilities for filmmakers. Set against the intersection of media studies, emotion theory, biology, and digital humanities, Feeling Colour: Chromatic Embodiment in Film Culture (1950s-1960s) delves into the role colour played in the oft-fraught relationship between cinema and its audiences. This transnational analysis of an extensive range of midcentury cinematography examines the multilayered effects which extend beyond the silver screen, offering a high-level theoretical elaboration and in-depth historical exploration of both experimental and mainstream movies.
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                    Gender-Based Violence in Arts and Culture: Perspectives on Education and Work

                    • Marie Buscatto
                    • Sari Karttunen
                    • Mathilde Provansal
                    This book offers a groundbreaking exploration of the pervasive issue of gender-based violence (GBV) within the realms of art and cultural production. This collection of essays delves into both the overt and subtle forms of GBV. It spans sexual harassment, assault, and the everyday sexism ingrained in creative workplaces and art schools, in both professional and private dimensions. The book covers a wide array of artistic sectors—opera, visual arts, music, and theatre—across diverse global contexts, from Europe to Asia and North America.
                    Genetic Narratology: Analysing Narrative across Versions - cover image

                      Genetic Narratology: Analysing Narrative across Versions

                      • Dirk Van Hulle
                      Genetic Narratology is the first full-length volume to merge genetic criticism with narratology, offering an innovative approach to understanding literature. By examining the creative process behind literary works through drafts, manuscripts and revisions, this book reveals how narratives are shaped in real time.
                      Harvesting the Sea in Southeastern Arabia: Volume 1: Regional Studies - cover image

                        Harvesting the Sea in Southeastern Arabia: Volume 1: Regional Studies

                        • Janet C.E. Watson
                        • Miranda J. Morris
                        • Erik Anonby
                        Traditional livelihoods and the ecosystems that sustain them are dying out around the world. This book is a collection of research on the relationships between people, their environment, their expertise and their languages along the ecologically fragile coasts of the Arabian Peninsula. These studies are the outcome of many years of collaborative fieldwork with local communities in three main regions of southern and eastern Arabia: the Musandam Peninsula, Dhofar and al-Mahrah, and the island of Soqotra. Bringing together oral literature, traditional scientific knowledge, and marine subsistence at the peripheries of the Arabian seaboard, the volume makes a major contribution to the documentation of the indigenous Modern South Arabian languages (MSAL), regional Arabic, and the Kumzari language, as well as to a greater understanding of their speakers’ mastery in harvesting the seas.
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                        Joyce’s Choices: New Textual Parallels in James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, and ‘Ulysses' - cover image

                          Joyce’s Choices: New Textual Parallels in James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, and ‘Ulysses'

                          • R. H. Winnick
                          This major new study of the textual parallels that permeate James Joyce’s three most widely read works––Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses––documents and discusses some seven hundred instances, six hundred of them in Ulysses alone, of previously unrecognized, unidentified, or misidentified echoes, most of them verbatim, of antecedent texts ranging from major and minor works of English, Irish, Italian, French and other literatures to the poems, plays, popular songs, hymns, comic operas, triple-deckers, dime novels, penny dreadfuls, and print advertisements of his own day.
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                            Knowledge: A Human Interest Story

                            • Brian Weatherson
                            In this book the author argues for a groundbreaking perspective that knowledge is inherently interest-relative. This means that what one knows is influenced not just by belief, evidence, and truth, but crucially by the purposes those beliefs serve. Drawing from classical Nyāya epistemologies, the book asserts that knowledge rationalizes action: if you know something, it is sensible to act on it—and the best way to square this with an anti-sceptical epistemology is to say that knowledge is interest-relative.
                            Learning Statistics with jamovi: A Tutorial for Beginners in Statistical Analysis - cover image

                              Learning Statistics with jamovi: A Tutorial for Beginners in Statistical Analysis

                              • Danielle Navarro
                              • David Foxcroft
                              Based on Danielle Navarro’s widely acclaimed and prize-winning book Learning Statistics with R, this elegantly designed textbook offers undergraduate students a thorough and accessible introduction to jamovi, as well as how to get to grips with statistics and data manipulation.
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                                Music and Dances of Central Nepal: Subi Shah’s Works on Pangdure (Maruni) Performance

                                • Anna Marie Stirr
                                • Hikmat Khadka
                                • Lochan Rijal
                                • Mason Brown
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                                  Music, Religion and Politics at Worcester Cathedral, 680-1950

                                  • Richard Newsholme
                                  This book provides a comprehensive history of music and liturgy at Worcester Cathedral, from its foundation in the seventh century to the mid-20th century. The author delves into how political shifts, public opinion, and national trends have influenced changes in the cathedral's practices over time, while also highlighting the distinct local dynamics at play.
                                  Navigating Our Way to Solutions in Marine Conservation - cover image

                                    Navigating Our Way to Solutions in Marine Conservation

                                    • Larry B. Crowder
                                    Navigating Our Way reflects the broader insights and diverse voices revolutionizing marine conservation. This volume brings together an array of scholars, practitioners, and experts from multiple fields, creating a network of trans-disciplinary and multi-cultural perspectives to address the complex problems in marine conservation.
                                    New Words to Old Tunes: Genres and Metrics of Lebanese Zajal Poetry - cover image

                                      New Words to Old Tunes: Genres and Metrics of Lebanese Zajal Poetry

                                      • Adnan Haydar
                                      New Words to Old Tunes: Genres and Metrics of Lebanese Zajal Poetry introduces the rich tradition of Lebanese oral poetry, offering an in-depth study and analysis of its metrics and genres. It presents a novel framework for the proper scansion of meters and emphasises the previously overlooked roles of musical and poetic stress. It details nearly twenty zajal genres, including popular songs that use zajal metrics, and integrates musical notations and web-streamed audio links to enrich the reader’s experience.
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                                        No Prices No Games!: Four Economic Models

                                        • Michael Richter
                                        • Ariel Rubinstein
                                        While current economic theory focuses on prices and games, this book models economic settings where harmony is established through one of the following societal conventions: • A power relation according to which stronger agents are able to force weaker ones to do things against their will. • A norm that categorizes actions as permissible or forbidden. • A status relation over alternatives which limits each agent's choices. • Systematic biases in agents' preferences. These four conventions are analysed using simple and mathematically straightforward models, without any pretensions regarding direct applied usefulness. While we do not advocate for the adoption of any of these conventions specifically – we do advocate that when modelling an economic situation, alternative equilibrium notions should be considered, rather than automatically reaching for the familiar approaches of prices or games.
                                        Oral Literary Worlds: Location, Transmission and Circulation - cover image

                                          Oral Literary Worlds: Location, Transmission and Circulation

                                          • Sara Marzagora
                                          • Francesca Orsini
                                          The discipline of world literature has traditionally focused on written literatures, particularly the novel, with little emphasis placed on the unwritten verbal arts, despite the significance of oral literary expressions around the world, in the past as in the present. This volume redresses this gap by putting the discipline of world literature into dialogue with scholarship on orature and folklore. It asks, what does world literature look like if we start from orature, from oral texts and utterances, and from the performances and audiences that support it?
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                                            Oral Poetry

                                            • Ruth Finnegan
                                            This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the vast field of 'oral poetry,' encompassing everything from American folksongs, contemporary pop songs, and Inuit lyrics, to the heroic epics of Homer, biblical psalms, and epic traditions in Asia and the Pacific. Taking a broad comparative approach, it explores oral poetry across Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and the Americas. Drawing on global research, Ruth Finnegan, the author of the seminal Oral Literature in Africa, sheds light on key debates such as the nature of oral tradition, the relationship between poetry and society, the differences between oral and written forms, and the role of poets in predominantly non-literate contexts.
                                            Phenomenography in the 21st Century: A Methodology for Investigating Human Experience of the World - cover image

                                              Phenomenography in the 21st Century: A Methodology for Investigating Human Experience of the World

                                              • Gerlese S. Åkerlind
                                              Phenomenography offers a distinctive approach to studying human experience of the world, by highlighting different ways in which the same phenomena (concepts, objects, events) are experienced within any group of people. Phenomenography focuses on the relationship between meaning—people’s holistic understanding of phenomena—and structure, that is the part-whole structure of people’s awareness of phenomena. This structure of awareness then forms the basis for identifying differences in the experienced meaning of phenomena, and how awareness needs to change to allow new meanings to emerge—whether educationally, historically, culturally or socially.
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                                                The Birds That Wouldn’t Sing: Remembering the D-Day Wrens

                                                • Justin Smith
                                                This compelling book offers a unique perspective on D-Day and its aftermath through the personal testimonies of the Wrens who worked for Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay during Operation Overlord. Drawing on public and private archives, it reveals the untold stories of the women serving in the Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS), balancing their wartime contributions with the strictures of secrecy and censorship. The narrative is framed by letters from these Wrens, which provide intimate glimpses into both the personal and professional challenges they faced during World War II.
                                                The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist, Volume 2: 1891–1912 - cover image

                                                  The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist, Volume 2: 1891–1912

                                                  • Andrew Hobbs
                                                  Andrew Hobbs’s introduction and footnotes provide background and analysis of these valuable documents. This full scholarly edition offers a wealth of new information about reporting, freelancing, sub-editing, newspaper ownership and publishing, and illuminates aspects of Victorian periodicals and culture extending far beyond provincial newspapers.
                                                  The Field Guide to Mixing Social and Biophysical Methods in Environmental Research - cover image

                                                    The Field Guide to Mixing Social and Biophysical Methods in Environmental Research

                                                    • Rebecca Lave
                                                    • Stuart Lane
                                                    Despite ongoing debates about its origins, the Anthropocene—a new epoch characterized by significant human impact on the Earth's geology and ecosystems—is widely acknowledged. Our environment is increasingly a product of interacting biophysical and social forces, shaped by climate change, colonial legacies, gender norms, hydrological processes, and more. Understanding these intricate interactions requires a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative, biophysical and social research.
                                                    The Samaritan Pentateuch: An Annotated English Translation - cover image

                                                      The Samaritan Pentateuch: An Annotated English Translation

                                                      • Moshe Florentin
                                                      • Abraham Tal
                                                      This new translation into English seeks to introduce the reader to the character of the Samaritan version of the Pentateuch, while emphasising the fundamental differences between it and the Masoretic version. The translation is based on a grammatical analysis of each and every word in the text according to its oral pronunciation, informed by examination of the Samaritan translations into Aramaic and Arabic as well as other Samaritan and non-Samaritan sources.
                                                      The Struggle You Can’t See: Experiences of Neurodivergent and Invisibly Disabled Students in Higher Education - cover image

                                                        The Struggle You Can’t See: Experiences of Neurodivergent and Invisibly Disabled Students in Higher Education

                                                        • Ash Lierman
                                                        This book offers a comprehensive review of current research on the higher education experiences of neurodivergent undergraduate students and those with invisible disabilities. Grounded in principles of social justice and equity, this work draws from design thinking, the neurodiversity model, and Universal Design for Learning, to explore the context of higher education in relation to neurodivergent and disabled students.
                                                        The World of Tradition: A Global Perspective on Folklore and Ethnology - cover image

                                                          The World of Tradition: A Global Perspective on Folklore and Ethnology

                                                          • Simon J. Bronner
                                                          This landmark volume features over 45 prominent scholars from all over the world who assess knowledge of international folklore and ethnology in the twenty-first century and ways to enhance global cultural understanding in the future. They cover issues of globalism from the ancient past to the present, migration and diffusion, and comparative genres and traditional practices. It is the most comprehensive reference on international folkloristic and ethnological studies ever produced.
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                                                            Tragedy and the Witness: Shakespeare and Beyond

                                                            • Fred Parker
                                                            This book examines the difficulties of bearing witness to anguish, atrocity, and madness, as these are presented in tragic drama. Taking its cue from Hamlet's plea to Horatio to ‘report me aright … tell my story’, It focuses on the relationship between the tragic protagonist and the onlooker or witness, exploring how the tragic figure, often viewed as alien or culpable or strange, struggles to be understood. Centred on Shakespeare, its comparative approach also brings in works by the Greeks, Racine, Ibsen, Kafka, Beckett, Kane, and others.
                                                            Troubled People, Troubled World: Psychotherapy, Ethics and Society - cover image

                                                              Troubled People, Troubled World: Psychotherapy, Ethics and Society

                                                              • Michael Briant
                                                              Therapists endeavour to be non-judgemental and, indeed, are no more qualified to pass judgement on others than anyone else; do they nevertheless learn anything about ethics from their disciplined listening? The same question was asked after the war about the persecution of the Jews and other minorities, and it’s a very live issue again, faced as we are by movements like ISIS, or Putinism in Russia, that cause great suffering in the name of religious or moral regeneration - a bewildering paradox that David Astor, former editor of The Observer called ‘the scourge’. Can psychotherapy throw any light on it, or contribute any ideas as to how we might contain, if not prevent, the barbarism it sanctions? Can it offer any insights into a different, more inclusive kind of ethics, and if so, can we glean any guidance from it as to how we might further it? These are the questions the author explores, drawing on psychoanalytic thinking on these issues for over a century and illustrated by his work with individuals over four decades.
                                                              Two Priors and a Princess: St Frideswide in Twelfth-Century Oxford - cover image

                                                                Two Priors and a Princess: St Frideswide in Twelfth-Century Oxford

                                                                • Andrew Dunning
                                                                Two Priors and a Princess presents a fresh assessment of the manuscript evidence with translations that are easily accessible to non-specialists. It is essential reading for students and scholars of medieval literature, as well as social and religious historians. It will be of particular value to readers interested in medical explanations and mental health in the Middle Ages; in the probative functions and stylistic development of the genres of hagiography and miracle collections; and in the function and definition of the ‘supernatural’ in medieval England.
                                                                Wisdom and Greatness in one Place: The Alexandrian Trader Moses ben Judah and his Circle - cover image

                                                                  Wisdom and Greatness in one Place: The Alexandrian Trader Moses ben Judah and his Circle

                                                                  • Dotan Arad
                                                                  • Esther-Miriam Wagner
                                                                  The manuscript collections of the Bodleian Library contain a corpus of dozens of documents from the archive of Moses ben Judah. A leader of the Jewish community in Alexandria, he was also a prominent businessman and in contact with individuals from Cairo to Sicily. This collection of documents at the Bodleian likely did not emerge from the Cairo Genizah, but from another depository, and appears to have been buried at some point.