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Publishing Services

At Open Book Publishers we believe that the dissemination of research should be led by academic institutions and research centers, rather than by commercial publishers. We collaborate with these groups to create one-off publications or to develop whole series.

Our model offers societies and research institutions a flexible and affordable way of publishing, with the opportunity to include online multimedia content. Our Open Access ethos and extensive distribution network means that research published with us will reach the widest possible readership. Our non-for-profit mandate ensures that revenue is reinvested in the publication project.

If you are looking for:

  • A publisher for your book series
  • Title management, including peer review process
  • Book production: copyediting, typesetting, indexing, cover design, production of multiple print and digital editions (hardback, paperback, pdf, epub, mobi, xhtml, and more...)
  • Distribution and marketing: printed and digital editions distributed through all main Open Access and commercial channels and marketed via email, social media, postcards and flyers
  • Website and online retail services: supplying content for existing sites, or creating new retail-enabled sites
  • Applying new technologies to the book format, for example by embedding multimedia content

please contact our Managing Director, Dr Alessandra Tosi.

We are currently partnering with a number of organizations on book series projects.

Dickinson College Commentaries (DCC)

OBP and Dickinson College Commentaries collaborate to produce enhanced key texts in Latin in Open Access format. Our joint Series appears as both free web resources hosted on the DCC website and as interactive texts released in a variety of formats: free to read, digital and printed. Our first volume in the series is Cornelius Nepos, 'Life of Hannibal' by Bret Mulligan, followed by Ovid, Amores (Book 1) by William Turpin.

Global Communications

Global Communications is a new book series that looks beyond national borders to examine current transformations in public communication, journalism and media. Special focus is given on regions other than Western Europe and North America, which have received the bulk of scholarly attention until now.

The Global Qur'an

This international series, edited by Johanna Pink (Freiburg University), focuses on the translation and interpretation of the Qur’an and the social, cultural, pedagogical, aesthetic, and devotional place of this text in Muslim societies worldwide.

##The Institute of English Studies, University of London Yeats Annual is published by Open Book Publishers in association with the Institute of English Studies, University of London. Yeats Annual is the leading scholarly journal on the poet, and it is described by Bernard O'Donoghue as ‘a powerful base of biographical and textual knowledge. Since 1982 the vade mecum of Yeats.’ OBP is proud to work with the IES to make this renowned journal available to all to read free of charge.

The Medieval Text Consortium Series

This series is led by The Medieval Text Consortium, an association of leading scholars aimed at making works of medieval philosophy available to a wide audience. It is produced in partnership with the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization at the University of Colorado.

New York University (NYU)

We have partnered with NYU on a number of projects. We worked in collaboration with the Global Institute for Advanced Study and the Stern School of Business on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century, edited by former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This volume was followed by The Infrastructure Finance Challenge, edited by Ingo Walter, and both books are part of our Open Reports Series. We have also collaborated with NYU on other titles, including Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History, edited by Deborah Willis, Ellyn Toscano and Kalia Brooks Nelson.

Semitic Languages and Cultures

Spearheaded by Geoffrey Khan, Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Cambridge, Semitic Languages and Cultures is a book series created in collaboration with Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, and is devoted to philological and linguistic studies of Semitic languages and editions of Semitic texts. Books in this series cover all periods, traditions and methodological approaches to the field.

St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture

St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture, a successful series published by the Centre for French History and Culture at the University of St Andrews since 2010 and now in collaboration with Open Book Publishers, aims to enhance scholarly understanding of the historical culture of the French-speaking world. This series covers the full span of historical themes relating to France: from political history, through military/naval, diplomatic, religious, social, financial, cultural and intellectual history, art and architectural history, to literary culture.

Studies on Mathematics Education and Society

This book series publishes high-quality monographs, edited volumes, handbooks and formally innovative books which explore the relationships between mathematics education and society. The series advances scholarship in mathematics education by bringing multiple disciplinary perspectives to the study of contemporary predicaments of the cultural, social, political, economic and ethical contexts of mathematics education in a range of different contexts around the globe.

University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute and Conservation Evidence Project (UCCRI)

We work with UCCRI to publish their interdisciplinary research on biodiversity conservation, including the seminal Forests and Food: Addressing Hunger and Nutrition Across Sustainable Landscapes. We also work with the Conservation Evidence Project to openly disseminate results from the scientific literature about the effects of conservation interventions via the What Works in Conservation series.

World Oral Literature Project (Cambridge and University of British Columbia)

OBP has partnered with the World Oral Literature Project, directed by Mark Turin at the University of Cambridge and Yale University, to create the World Oral Literature Series. The series works to preserve and promote the oral literatures of indigenous people by publishing materials on endangered traditions in innovative ways. Lying at the intersection of anthropology and linguistics, the study of oral genres is an exciting and developing field, but one with few publishing outlets. While linguists may relegate their textual corpus to an appendix, anthropologists similarly harvest elements of oral literature to make comparative or theoretical points. The richness and contextual meaning of oral narratives is thus often lost in the process. The innovative publishing practices adopted by OBP make the dissemination of such unique literary traditions possible for the first time.