Critical Physical Geography is an emerging discipline that has the specific aim of bringing together social and natural science in the service of eco-social transformation, combining attention to power relations and their material impacts with deep knowledge of particular biophysical systems (Lave et al. 2014). Whilst it is a discipline that appeals strongly to geography, it reflects a wider sense in which the environmental challenges that we face today are too commonly framed by the academy in disciplinary and hence partial ways. A series of initiatives (conference sessions; workshops; opinion pieces; special issues) have mobilised researchers doing integrative interdisciplinary work to see CPG as a potential “home” for them. A major publication (The Handbook of Critical Physical Geography) appeared in 2018 (Lave, Biermann and Lane, eds.), setting out CPG’s core tenets and genealogical origins, illustrating these through a series of case examples, and reflecting upon the pedagogic implications for practicing CPG. This book series aims to provide the resources necessary for CPG to pass to its next phase of development by providing: (1) a focal point for research monographs that involve integrative, transformative, environmental research; (2) a set of shorter texts that address key environmental concerns through the lens of CPG; and (3) edited volumes that consider the practice and methods associated with CPG, where there is a need to bring together a wider spectrum of researchers to advance particular themes.
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