Moshe Florentin is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Hebrew Language and Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University, and a member of the Academy of the Hebrew Language. His previous books dealing with the study of the Samaritans are The Tulida (Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi, 1999), Late Samaritan Hebrew (Brill, 2005), The Pentateuch β The Samaritan Version (with Moshe Florentin, 2010, TAU University Press), and Samaritan Elegies (The Bilik Institution, 2012).
Abraham Tal is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Hebrew and Semitic Linguistics of TAU, formerly the vice-president of the Academy of Hebrew Language and editor-in-chief of the Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language. Among his major publications are A Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic (2000, Brill), The Pentateuch β The Samaritan Version (with Moshe Florentin, 2010, TAU University Press), Tibat Marqe β Edition, Translation, Commentary (Studia Samaritana, 2019, de Gruyter), and Samaritan Aramaic (2013, Ugarit Verlag).