
Rida Anis;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 217–240


  • Arabic
  • English

Print Length

24 pages

7. (Her)story between Shadow and Light

A Displaced Syrian Woman Academic

This the account of an academic who has witnessed and endured various conflicts and state authoritarianism, and who continues to practice while living as a displaced person in exile. It is composed of selected transcribed audio messages that were communicated as a personal testimony shared with a fellow academic, with intention for the dialogue to be recorded for the purposes of contributing to research. In this chapter, the dialogue is curated into 18 fragments, with subtitles reflective of the themes which Rida chose to recount of her remembered experiences of conflict as a woman academic before, during and since the war in her homeland of Syria. This includes her childhood in Iraq, her undergraduate studies and later return to work as a lecturer in Syria, her postgraduate studies in the United States of America, and her current experience within Turkey.

هذه رواية أكاديمية عاشت في بيئات ثقافية مختلفة، و شهدت صراعات عديدة، ومازالت تواصل كفاحها في ممارسة مهنتها كأستاذة جامعية و باحثة عالمية رغم نزوحها عن وطنها الأم. تتألف هذه الرواية من عدة رسائل صوتية مكتوبة، تم اختيار بعضها و إرسالها كشهادة شخصية تمت مشاركتها مع زميلة أكاديمية أخرى بهدف تسجيل الحوار بينهما للمساهمة في هذا البحث. في هذا الفصل، تم تقسيم الحوار إلى ١٨ جزء، مع عناوين فرعية تعكس الموضوعات التي اختارتها رضاء لتروي تجاربها و كفاحها كامرأة أكاديمية قبل وأثناء وبعد الحرب في وطنها سوريا. ويشمل ذلك طفولتها في العراق، ودراستها الجامعية وعودتها لاحقًا للعمل كمحاضرة في سوريا، ودراساتها العليا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وتجربتها الحالية داخل تركيا.


Rida Anis

Assistant professor in English at Hasan Kalyoncu University

Rida Anis is currently an Assistant Professor in English at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Türkiye. She studied English Literature at the University of Aleppo, Syria. She received Fulbright scholarships to study her MA in English Literature at Old Dominion University, Norfolk; and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Literature & Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. Between 2006 and 2015, she was a lecturer at the University of Aleppo. She has collaborated with Syrian, Turkish and UK-based colleagues on interdisciplinary research projects. She is currently working on an anthology of Syrian women’s writing.