
Jenny Johnston; Mairead Corrigan; Helen Reid;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 161–190


  • English

Print Length

30 pages

5. Hidden Legacies of the Troubles

Post-conflict Pedagogy as Resistance in Northern Irish Medical Education

The dialectics raised, by the delivery of centralised medical education curricula within contemporary Northern Ireland, are considered for their situatedness within that post-conflict society. Critical sociocultural lenses are used to explore questions of identity and the capacity for change inherent in education. Residual colonialist perspectives are explored together with prominent contemporary discourses of medical education, including the overarching influence of positivism. A proposal is made for post-conflict medical pedagogy which engages learners and educators in transformational critical consciousness and trauma-informed curricula practice.


Jenny Johnston


Jenny Johnston is a critical medical educationalist and an experienced general practitioner (GP) working in deprived areas of Belfast. Her academic work focuses on social justice issues and is informed by diverse theoretical perspectives drawn from social science. Her prize-winning PhD work has been published as a monograph exploring power structures in medical cultures from the viewpoint of GP trainees. She directs a vibrant and progressive research programme in medical education.

Mairead Corrigan

Senior Lecturer (Education) and the Academic Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Centre for Medical Education at Queen's University Belfast

Mairead Corrigan is a Senior Lecturer (Education) and the Academic Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Centre for Medical Education, Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland). She is a sociologist and educationalist, and a qualitative researcher. Her academic work focuses on social justice, inequalities and diversity.

Helen Reid

Clinical Academic at Queen's University Belfast

Helen Reid is a clinical academic based at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland. She is passionate about general practice and the importance of high-quality community healthcare in effective health systems. She holds an MPhil and PhD in medical education and continues to research and publish alongside her clinical and curricular responsibilities. Her expertise lies in critically oriented qualitative research in areas ranging from rural health inequalities to domestic abuse.