
Guillermo López Franco; Nissa Yaing Torres Soto; Alejandra Aray Roa; Paulette Joseph;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 125–159


  • English

Print Length

35 pages

4. Being a Woman and a Researcher between Exile and Social Reconfiguration

An Interview with Hebe Vessuri

This chapter presents the analysis of an interview with the Latin American cultural anthropologist, Dr Hebe Vessuri. An account of Vessuri’s biography is offered, with insights into her experiences and her analyses of the roles she embodied as woman, mother, wife, migrant and scientist during times of political, social and economic disturbances in the countries she lived in the second half of 20th century. A particular focus was on the impact of living and working as an academic in Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico.

La Dra. Hebe Vessuri es una de las figuras más importantes en la antropología cultural latinoamericana. Con más de cuatro décadas de trayectoria como investigadora, ella ha contribuido a la consolidación y desarrollo de varias instituciones de educación superior y diversas redes de investigación, formando a muchas generaciones de académicos e investigadores. Sin embargo, su destacada carrera como investigadora social no puede ser vista sólo como una historia de éxito, sino también como una historia de conflicto, sorteando diversos obstáculos impuestos por la estructura política y social de los países donde trabajó, incluyendo la guerra y la dictadura. Como académicos noveles originarios de México y Venezuela, decidimos entablar una conversación con la Dra. Vessuri en 2022 para conocer más sobre vasta experiencia intelectual. En nuestro estudio, analizamos las percepciones de la Dra. Vessuri sobre su propia historia. La estructura de este capítulo sigue un orden cronológico para ilustrar episodios específicos en la vida de la Dra. Vessuri. Se utilizó el enfoque fenomenológico interpretativo para hacer el recuento de las vivencias de la Dra. Vessuri y realizar la interpretación de las mismas bajo los conceptos de condición migrante, condición de mujer y profesión académica. Nos interesaron los hechos y elementos contextuales de su biografía, junto con la interpretación que hizo nuestra entrevistada sobre su propia experiencia. Encontramos como los elementos de ser mujer, ser migrante y ser científica en América Latina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX implicó una serie de retos que marcaron el desarrollo de la Dra. Vessuri como profesional, pero también ilustran su labor como agente del cambio en diferentes sociedades.


Guillermo López Franco


Guillermo López Franco is based at the Universidad Kino A.C. and has a PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidad de Sonora (México). His research interests include academic profession, public policies, internationalisation of higher education and science communication. He acts as an adviser for the regional event EXPO CIENCIAS 2020 of science popularisation. In his current position at Universidad Kino A.C., he is a registered advisor for the Delfin Research Program and also a member of the National Research System (SNI) of México.

Nissa Yaing Torres Soto


Nissa Yaing Torres Soto holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidad de Sonora, México, and is based at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo, México. She is a social psychologist with postgraduate studies in Educational Innovation and Social Sciences. She is interested in positive environments, mental health, education, public health and vulnerable social groups. She was the recipient of an award at the Arizona Student Energy Conferences (AzSEC) in the Grand Challenge Competition by University of Arizona, for ‘Testing a Tridimensional Model of Sustainable Behavior: Self-care, Caring for Others and Caring for the Planet’. She is a member of the International Honor Society in Psychology and National Researchers System (SNI) of México.

María Alejandra Aray Roa


María Alejandra Aray Roa holds a PhD in Science Education from the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (Venezuela). She is a sociologist interested in gender studies, higher education, science education management, citizenship and education in natural science. She participated in the project Transversalidad de la perspectiva en el estado de Sonora [Gender perspective in Sonora state], and is engaged in social studies in science processes and education in natural science. She currently lives and works in Sonora, México.

Paulette Joseph


Paulette Joseph has a doctorate in Health Psychology, Universidad Miguel Herrera (Spain). She is an industrial psychologist with postgraduate studies in Physical Activity and Health, and currently works with disabled mentally ill patients. She has experience working with women with fibromyalgia as well as patients subjected to high levels of stress in Germany and Spain. She has always been interested in the studies of gender, physical activity and personal integral health, well-being and self-determination.