
Sepideh Shahamati, Ayda Khaleghi and Sasan Norouzi

Published On


Page Range

pp. 49–68


  • English

Print Length

19 pages

3. Revisiting Definitions and Challenges of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Case of the Old Centre of Mashhad

Sepideh Shahamati, Ayda Khaleghi and Sasan Norouzi consider the case of the Iranian city of Mashhad. In the last decade, this city—and more precisely, its centre—has undergone different urban transformations, which have had a considerable impact on both its built and cultural heritage. The case of Mashhad’s historic centre recalls the importance of reconceptualising intangible cultural heritage in decision-making processes and the challenges of its preservation in the twenty-first century, especially in the case of cities which were built and have developed according to spiritual and religious values.


Sepideh Shahamati

PhD Candidate at the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at Concordia University

Sepideh Shahamati is a PhD candidate at the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at Concordia University, Canada. Her research focuses on identifying and documenting the intangible heritage of cities. With a particular interest in visual representations, she is developing a systematic mapping method to represent the invisible assets of urban areas. She holds an MA in Architecture, Planning and Landscape from Newcastle University and a BSc in Urban Planning from Azad University of Mashhad. Her previous work involves understanding and assessing the public perception of green urban landscapes.

Ayda Khaleghi


Ayda Khaleghi is a researcher, architect, and 3D artist, with an interest in contemporary and classic architectural design, cultural heritage valorization, and historical restoration. She has been involved in multiple research projects related to historical renovations and mapping tangible and intangible heritage in the city of Mashhad. She has also been focused on the recent developments in Mashhad’s city center and documentation of its rich historical values.

Sasan Norouzi


Sasan Norouzi is an Iranian senior researcher at the department of Cultural Heritage at Samen Research Institute. In the past twenty years, Sasan has been teaching and lecturing at various universities and institutions of higher education in Iran. Adopting a humanistic, cultural, and innovative approach, Sasan has been leading projects that aim at conserving cultural heritage and revitalizing historic zones of urban areas including protecting and reusing water structures in ancient cities. His current research interests and activities include using cultural mapping tools and mitigation strategies to study the impact of social behavior, customs, and traditions on the conservation of urban heritage.