
Clarissa Rios-Rojas; Catherine Richards; Catherine Rhodes; Paul Ingram

Published On


Page Range

pp. 521–530


  • English

Print Length

10 pages

18. Pathways to Linking Science and Policy in Global Risk

Chapter of: An Anthology of Global Risk(pp. 521–530)
This chapter is based on a CSER report published in July 2021, which is a practical how-to guide to engaging with stakeholders and policy makers. It involved one-to-one interviews and a workshop designed to elicit advice and experience from CSER researchers. After presenting a general overview of CSER’s approach to impact, the chapter outlines six policy case studies to develop advice for others seeking to influence policy. The “how to” character of this chapter is usefully complemented by the macro-analyses of policy-shaping contained in Chapter 19, and is further supplemented by the reflective account of seeking to influence nuclear disarmament diplomacy in Chapter 20.


Clarissa Rios Rojas


Clarissa Rios Rojas is a Political Affairs Officer at UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Catherine Richards


Catherine Richards is a Consultant working at McKinsey & Co.

Catherine Rhodes

Head of Operations and Engagement (SPRITE+) at University of Manchester

Catherine Rhodes is the Head of Operations and Engagement (SPRITE+), University of Manchester.

Paul Ingram

Research Affiliate at University of Cambridge

Paul Ingram is a Research Affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge