
Leshchinsky, Yankev;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 141–148


  • English

Print Length

8 pages

12. Emigration tragedies

  • Yankev Leshchinsky (author)
  • Robert Brym (translator)
  • Eli Jany (translator)
It is incalculably more difficult for Jews to emigrate from Poland than it was before the First World War. Difficulties exist both in Poland and in potential receiving countries in North and South America, Western Europe, and Asia. The gates of receiving countries are practically shut, and obtaining information, visas, and money transfers from relatives abroad is an extraordinarily complicated bureaucratic process. HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, helps enormously with these difficulties but it can only do so much under the circumstances.


Yankev Leshchinsky


Eli Jany
