
Maryna Shevtsova

Published On


Page Range

pp. 71–81


  • English

Print Length

11 pages

8. Eighty Dates around the World

On Gender, Academic Mobility, and Reproductive Pressure

This autoethnographic essay focuses on various dimensions of transnational academic mobility. It explores a hybrid identity of an early career researcher in Western academia dealing with internationalisation as a dominant policy discourse in the sector of higher education and with mobility as one of the key mechanisms through which internationalisation takes place. Questioning the ways in which one’s gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and institutional affiliation intersect, the chapter reflects on how identities are constructed and maintained and how uneven distribution of opportunity structures for mobility among geopolitical spaces and social groups impacts one’s self-identity and life chances.


Maryna Shevtsova

EUTOPIA Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Ljubljana