Anders Chr. N. Christensen MA is born in Holstebro and worked as an academic assistant at Dansk folkemindesamling (Danish folklore archives) from 1992 until his retirement. He has a master's in Folkloristics from Department of Folkloristics at Copenhagen University where he has also worked as an external lecturer. He has been an hourly teacher at the folk music department at the Funen Conservatory of Music. He recorded folk life accounts and folk music from 1972, eventually in cooperation with the Folk music house in Hoager and the Danish folkore archives. In 1977 he also took up video recording of dance. He has researched Danish folk dances, including the minuet, and published multiple books and articles about dance history and practice. His extensive ethnographic fieldwork has concentrated on Danish traditions in Denmark but includes a fieldtrip to the Caribiens. He participated in Nff projects from 1981 and contributed to Gammaldans I Norden, Nordisk folkedanstypologi and Norden I dans. Other publications are: Christensen, A. C. N. (1999). Monnevet og Mollevit. Folk og kultur, årbog for dansk etnologi og folkemindevidenskab. 28(1) 94-126. and Sang til Dans. Traditioner er mange ting: festskrift til Iørn Piø på halvfjerdsårsdagen den 24. august 1997, 1997, 88: 122.