The Last Years of Polish Jewry: Volume 2: On the Eve of Destruction: Essays, 1935-37 - cover image


Yankev Leshchinsky




  • English
  • Yiddish


Paperback156 x 234 mm (6.14" x 9.21")
Hardback156 x 234 mm (6.14" x 9.21")


  • NHTB
  • JBFH
  • NHD
  • NHB


  • HBLW
  • HBTZ
  • JFSR1


  • HIS022000
  • SOC007000
  • HIS010010
  • HIS037070

    The Last Years of Polish Jewry

    Volume 2: On the Eve of Destruction: Essays, 1935-37

    • Yankev Leshchinsky (author)
    • Robert Brym (translator)
    • Eli Jany (translator)
    • Robert Brym (editor)
    This book is part of a 2-volume set. The other volume in the set is:
    Ukrainian-born Yankev Leshchinsky (1876-1966) was the leading scholarly and journalistic analyst of Eastern European Jewish socioeconomic and political life from the 1920s to the 1950s. Known as “the dean of Jewish sociologists” and “the father of Jewish demography,” Leshchinsky published a series of insightful and moving essays in Yiddish on Polish Jewry between 1927 and 1937. Despite heightened interest in interwar Jewish communities in Poland in recent years, these essays (like most of Leshchinsky’s works) have never been translated into English.

    The Last Years of Polish Jewry helps to rectify this situation by translating some of Leshchinsky’s key essays. A thoughtful Introduction by Robert Brym provides the context of the author’s life and work.

    The essays in this volume, based on years of research and first-hand observation, focus on the period 1927-33. The rise of militant Polish nationalism and the ensuing anti-Jewish boycotts and pogroms; the increasing exclusion of Jews from government employment and the universities; the destitution, hunger, suicide, and efforts to emigrate that characterized Jewish life; the psychological toll taken by mass uncertainty and hopelessness—all this falls within the author’s ambit. There is no work in English that comes close to the range and depth of Leshchinsky’s essays on the last years of the three million Polish Jews who were to perish at the hand of the Nazi regime.

    This book will be of interest to researchers and students of Eastern European history and society, especially those with an interest in Eastern Europe’s Jewish communities on the brink of the Holocaust.


    Yankev Leshchinsky wanted to believe that Jewish life could thrive in modern Eastern Europe. But unable to cease asking trenchant sociological questions, unable to look away, he did more than any other scholar of his age to anatomize the foreclosure of Jewish prospects by the crisis of capitalism, economic nationalism, and rising antisemitism. No student of Jewish life in Poland and Eastern Europe as a whole can proceed without this indispensable work, and generations of students and scholars will be in Robert Brym’s debt.

    Kenneth B. Moss

    Harriet and Ulrich E. Meyer Professor of Jewish History and the College, University of Chicago


    Yankev Leshchinsky


    Robert Brym

    Professor of Sociology and an Associate of the Centre for Jewish Studies at University of Toronto

    Eli Jany

    PhD student in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Centre for Jewish Studies at University of Toronto

    Robert Brym

    Professor of Sociology and an Associate of the Centre for Jewish Studies at University of Toronto