
Natalia Maya Llano; Juan Camilo Domínguez Cardona; Juan Sebastián Flórez Herrera; Catalina Puerta Henao; Adriana Rudling;

Published On


Page Range

pp. 25–55


  • English
  • Spanish

Print Length

31 pages

1.Truth and Reparations

A Conversation on the Participation of the Higher Education Sector in the Colombian Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-repetition

Colombia is the home of one of the most complex and ambitious transitional justice projects to date. This chapter traces the background and relationship of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-repetition to that project, and the participation of the higher education sector in that extra-judicial truth-seeking mechanism established in 2018. The main focal point of this chapter is a conversation with four researchers, practitioners and memory activists who participated in this work in different capacities. Since this conversation took place nearly six months following the release of the report of the Commission, the chapter concludes with a reflection on future directions for this type of work in Colombia.

Colombia alberga uno de los proyectos de justicia transicional más complejos y ambiciosos hasta la fecha. Este hace un recuento descriptivo de los antecedentes y la relación de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición con ese proyecto y la participación del sector de la educación superior en ese mecanismo extrajudicial de búsqueda de la verdad establecido en 2018. El punto central de este capítulo es una conversación con cuatro investigadores, profesionales y activistas de la memoria que participaron en este trabajo de diferentes formas y partiendo de posiciones distintas. Dado que esta conversación tuvo lugar casi seis meses después de la publicación del informe de la Comisión, el capítulo concluye con una reflexión sobre las direcciones futuras para este tipo de trabajo en Colombia.

The Spanish language version of this chapter ("La verdad y las reparaciones: Una conversación sobre la participación del sector de la educación superior en la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición") is available at and can also be downloaded as a DOCX file by clicking the 'Download' button above.


Natalia Maya Llano


Natalia Maya Llano is a journalist and a specialist in theories, methods and techniques of social investigation, holding a Master’s in Political Science from the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. She is a member of the research group Conflicts, Violence and Human Security of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the same university. She worked at the Colombian Commission for Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition as a researcher for the Urban Dynamics team of the Territories Directorate. Her research interests are in general topics such as armed conflict, peace building and transitional processes.

Juan Camilo Domínguez Cardona


Juan Camilo Domínguez Cardona holds a BA in Sociology and an MA in Socio-spatial Studies from the Universidad de Antioquia, in Colombia. He is currently doing his PhD in Socio-spatial Studies at the same university. He is a full-time Professor at the Regional Studies Institute at the Universidad de Antioquia, having previously been Coordinator of Post-graduate Studies, of the Master’s in Socio-spatial Studies and of the Specialist Qualification in Theories, Methods and Techniques of Social Research. His research topics have been the comparative studies of the Colombian armed conflict, peacebuilding in Colombia, socio-spatial theory, and soccer and supporters studies.

Juan Sebastián Flórez Herrera


Juan Sebastián Flórez Herrera holds a BA in History from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He centres the history of social movements and armed conflict in Colombia. Between 2019 and 2022 he was a researcher with the Colombian Commission for Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition. Part of this body’s Bogotá-Soacha-Sumapaz territorial team, he was also the rapporteur for Case 52 / Universities and Armed Conflict, which outlines the history of the violence, activism and victimisation of the higher education sector during the Colombian armed conflict.

Catalina Puerta Henao

Professor of Political Science at University of Antioquia

Catalina Puerta Henao is a Professor of Political Science at the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. She holds a BA in Law from the same university and an MA and PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellín, Colombia. She has held coordination and research positions in public institutions dedicated to the care and reparation of victims and the construction of memory and truth in Medellín. She has also worked as an expert in the Justice and Peace Chamber of the Superior Court of Medellín. Her research focuses on the understanding of the victim subject in a historical, legal and political sense, the definition of the internal enemy and the processes of clarification and truth (re)construction in the Colombian armed conflict.

Adriana Rudling

GRI Post-Doctoral Fellow - Transitional Justice at William & Mary

Adriana Rudling is a GRI Post-Doctoral Fellow—Transitional Justice at William & Mary, in the USA. She holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Sheffield, UK. She has held research positions at various academic institutions in Sweden, the UK, Colombia and Norway. She has also worked as a consultant specialising in monitoring, learning and evaluation with (I)NGOs and international aid. Her research interests centre on the interactions between victims of massive and systematic human rights violations and measures and state bureaucracies established in (post-)transitional societies to respond to their harms.