
Roy Wagner

Published On


Page Range

pp. 145–148


  • English

Print Length

4 pages

6. A short commentary on Kollosche’s ‘Dehumanisation through mathematics’

In this short response to David Kollosche, I briefly point out some complementary historical narratives of mathematics to suggest how mathematics may not only be complemented by more humanized forms of knowledge, but may also be inherently more humanized in itself.


Roy Wagner

Professor of History and Philosophy of Mathematics at ETH Zurich

Roy Wagner is a professor of history and philosophy of mathematics at ETH Zurich. He has doctoral degrees in mathematics and in the history and philosophy of science. His research interests include the interrelations between philosophy and history of mathematics, semiotics (predominately in the structuralist and post-structuralist traditions) applied to mathematical texts, and the interaction between social circumstances and changing standards of validity in mathematics.