
Helen Julia Minors

Published On


Page Range

pp. 221–224


  • English

Print Length

4 pages

Introduction to Part III

Challenges and Opportunities of Music Performance Education in Society


Helen Julia Minors

Professor and Head of School of the Arts at York St John University

Helen Julia Minors is Professor and Head of School of the Arts at York St John University. She is also a Visiting Professor at Lulea Technical University. She was founder and original co-chair of EDI Music Studies Network. Her publications include Routledge Companion to Women's Musical; Leadership (Routledge, 2024) co-edited with Laura Hamer, Music, Dance and Translation (Bloomsbury, 2023), Artistic Research in Performance through Collaboration, co-edited with Martin Blain (Palgrave, 2020), Paul Dukas: Legacies of a French Musician, co-edited with Laura Watson (Routledge, 2019), Building Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Bridges: Where Theory Meets Research and Practice, co-edited with Pamela Burnard et al (BIBACC, 2017), and Music, Text and Translation (Bloomsbury, 2013). Recent articles and chapters have also appeared in the London Review of Education (2017/2019), Translation and Multimodality (Routledge, 2019), Opera and Translation (John Benjamins, 2020), Tibon (2022), Intersemiotic Perspectives on Emotions (2023) and Routledge Companion to Applied Musicology (2023).